So Jin Park

Critical Graphic Designer, 
Glass, Podcast, Newsletter, Crochet
Here are only the projects created during my studies in the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule. This site will be updated soon.
IG @your_park__

Brocken silence


This project alerts to the microaggression, racism, and discrimination against Asians and Asian-looking people in western countries.

We collected personal reports on this theme. We organized meetings with students at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle to discussed about this theme openly, express anger, obtain psychological stability, refind confidence and react effectively against discriminative situations in the future. Further, we visualized and publicized relevant issues on the website

So Jin Park, Jihee Lee

Website, Campaigns, Poster

7. 2016 - 12. 2018

Giebichenstein Design Preis 2017
Support by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Premio Nazionale delle Arti 2017, design section, finalist
Support by Halbe Treppe, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, Germany

Kunststiftung Sachsen Anhalt
(Halle an der Saale, Germany, Oct, Nov 2017)
Premio Nazionale delle Arti
(Faenza, Italy, Sep, Oct 2017)
3,2,1, go! Exhibition during the DGTF 2017
(Halle/Saale, Dec 2017)

Gesine Grotrian, Carla Streckwall

(the website works best with Chrome. There is only desktop-version.)

> Personal contiuation of this project
Participation in the panel discussion ‘Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst’ (11. 12. 2017, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle)
Poster design for LAMSA, with Hyunhye Byun (das Landesnetzwerk Migrantenorganisationen In Sachsen-Anhalt, 5. 2018)
Statement T-shirt workshop (with Hyunhye Byun, Yonghak Jo,  12. 2018)